Server General Technology Behind Transfer General Secure Data Migration, Sharing and Archival

Check out the way our Trasfer General products provides a solution to the use cases of secure data migration, sharing and archival!

Slides Preview in showing order (gets hidden on page publication)

- The CMS collection list you see below is the preview of the slides that will be inserted in the empty at the moment slider above.
- The headings, e.g. "Slide 1", contain data from "Slide Name" field; the images are pulled from "Slide (or animation static background)" field out of the "Slidedeck Slides" CMS collection. Prefer using images with 16:9 aspect ratio for presentation consistency.
- The warning you see on some of the slides is about the usage of the embedded dotLottie player script, which work only on published pages. The player pulls the link to dotLottie file source via variable linked to the "Lottie animation link" field of the "Slidedeck Slides" CMS collection.
- The list is sorted in ascending order by the "Slide Order" number field data.

EQIX Training 7 (Migration animated step 1)

EQIX Training 8 (Migration animated step 2)

EQIX Training 9 (Migration animated step 3)

EQIX Training 10 (Migration animated step 4)

EQIX Training 11 (Migration animated step 5)

EQIX Training 12 (Migration animated step 6)

EQIX Training 14 (Archival animated step 1)

EQIX Training 15 (Archival animated step 2)

EQIX Training 16 (Archival animated step 3)

EQIX Training 17 (Archival animated step 4)

EQIX Training 19 (Sharing animated step 1)

EQIX Training 20 (Sharing animated step 2)

EQIX Training 21 (Sharing animated step 3)

EQIX Training 22 (Sharing animated step 4)

EQIX Training 23 (Sharing animated step 5)

EQIX Training 24 (Sharing animated step 6)

EQIX Training 25 (Sharing animated step 7)